Source code for pytoshop.util

# -*- coding: utf-8 -*-

Miscellaneous utilities.

from __future__ import unicode_literals, absolute_import

from functools import wraps
import struct
import sys

from . import enums

from typing import Any, BinaryIO, Callable, List, Type, TYPE_CHECKING  # NOQA
    import numpy as np  # NOQA

DEBUG = False

[docs]def read_value(fd, fmt, endian='>'): # type: (BinaryIO, unicode, unicode) -> Any """ Read a values from a file-like object. Parameters ---------- fd : file-like object Must be opened for reading, in binary mode. fmt : str A `struct` module `format character <>`__ string. endian : str The endianness. Must be ``>`` or ``<``. Default: ``>``. Returns ------- value : any The value(s) read from the file. If a single value, it is returned alone. If multiple values, a tuple is returned. """ fmt = endian + fmt size = struct.calcsize(fmt) # type: ignore result = struct.unpack(fmt, # type: ignore if len(result) == 1: return result[0] else: return result
[docs]def write_value(fd, fmt, *value, **kwargs): """ Write a single binary value to a file-like object. Parameters ---------- fd : file-like object Must be opened for writing, in binary mode. fmt : str A `struct` module `format character <>`__ string. value : any The value to encode and write to the file. endian : str The endianness. Must be ``>`` or ``<``. Default: ``>``. """ endian = kwargs.get('endian', '>') fmt = endian + fmt fd.write(struct.pack(fmt, *value))
[docs]def pad(number, divisor): # type: (int, int) -> int """ Pads an integer up to the given divisor. """ if number % divisor: number = (number // divisor + 1) * divisor return number
[docs]def read_pascal_string(fd, padding=1): # type: (BinaryIO, int) -> unicode """ Read a UTF-8-encoded Pascal string from a file. Parameters ---------- fd : file-like object Must be opened for reading, seekable and in binary mode. padding : int, optional If provided, additional pad bytes will be read until the total amount read is a multiple of padding. Returns ------- value : str The unicode value of the string. """ length = read_value(fd, 'B') if length == 0: - 1, 1) return '' result = padded_length = pad(length + 1, padding) - 1 - length, 1) return result.decode('utf8', 'replace')
[docs]def write_pascal_string(fd, value, padding=1): # type: (BinaryIO, unicode, int) -> None """ Write a UTF-8-encoded Pascal string to a file. Parameters ---------- fd : file-like object Must be opened for writing and in binary mode. value : str A unicode string value. padding : int, optional If provided, additional pad bytes will be written until the total amount written is a multiple of padding. """ value = value.encode('utf8') length = len(value) if length > 255: value = value[:255] length = 255 write_value(fd, 'B', len(value)) if len(value) == 0: fd.write(b'\0' * (padding - 1)) return fd.write(value) padding = pad(length + 1, padding) - 1 - length if padding != 0: fd.write(b'\0' * padding)
[docs]def pascal_string_length(value, padding=1): # type: (unicode, int) -> int """ Calculates the total length of writing a UTF-8-encoded Pascal string to disk. Parameters ---------- value : str A unicode string value. Returns ------- length : int The length, in bytes. """ value = value.encode('utf8') if len(value) == 0: return padding length = len(value) padding = pad(length + 1, padding) - 1 - length return length + padding + 1
[docs]def decode_unicode_string(data): # type: (bytes) -> unicode """ Decode Photoshop's definition of a `Unicode String <>`__. """ return data[4:].rstrip(b'\0').decode('utf_16_be')
[docs]def encode_unicode_string(s): # type: (unicode) -> bytes """ Encode Photoshop's definition of a `Unicode String <>`__. """ return (struct.pack('>L', len(s) + 1) # type: ignore + s.encode('utf_16_be') + b'\0\0')
[docs]def read_unicode_string(fd): # type: (BinaryIO) -> unicode """ Read a UTF-16-BE-encoded Unicode string (with length) from a file. Parameters ---------- fd : file-like object Must be opened for reading, seekable and in binary mode. Returns ------- value : str The unicode value of the string. """ length = read_value(fd, 'L') data = * 2) return data.rstrip(b'\0').decode('utf_16_be')
[docs]def write_unicode_string(fd, value): # type: (BinaryIO, unicode) -> None """ Write a UTF-16-BE-encoded Unicode string (with length) to a file. Parameters ---------- fd : file-like object Must be opened for writing and in binary mode. value : str A unicode string value. """ fd.write(encode_unicode_string(value))
[docs]def unicode_string_length(value): # type: (unicode) -> int """ Calculates the total length of writing a UTF-16-BE-encoded Unicode string (with length) to a file. Parameters ---------- value : str A unicode string value. Returns ------- length : int The length, in bytes. """ return len(encode_unicode_string(value))
_indent = [0]
[docs]def trace_read(func): # pragma: no cover """ Prints debugging information from a read or write method. For internal use only. """ @wraps(func) def wrapper(self, fd, *args): if isinstance(self, type): name = self.__name__ else: name = self.__class__.__name__ log('>>> {} @ {}', name, fd.tell()) _indent[0] += 1 result = func(self, fd, *args) _indent[0] -= 1 log('<<< {} @ {}', name, fd.tell()) return result if DEBUG: return wrapper else: return func
trace_write = trace_read
[docs]def log(msg, *args): # pragma: no cover """ Print a logging message if debugging is turned on. """ if DEBUG: print(" " * _indent[0], msg.format(*args))
[docs]def do_byteswap(arr): # type: (np.ndarray) -> np.ndarray """ Return a copy of an array, byteswapped. """ return arr.byteswap().view(arr.dtype.newbyteorder('>'))
[docs]def ensure_bigendian(arr): # type: (np.ndarray) -> np.ndarray """ Ensure that a Numpy array is in big-endian order. Returns a copy if the endianness needed to be changed. """ if needs_byteswap(arr): return do_byteswap(arr) return arr
if sys.byteorder == 'little': def needs_byteswap(arr): # type: (np.ndarray) -> bool """ Returns True if the array needs to be byteswapped. """ order = arr.dtype.byteorder return order in ('<', '=') else:
[docs] def needs_byteswap(arr): # type: (np.ndarray) -> bool """ Returns True if the array needs to be byteswapped. """ order = arr.dtype.byteorder return order == '<'
[docs]def ensure_native_endian(arr): # type: (np.ndarray) -> np.ndarray """ Ensure that a Numpy array is in native-endian order. Returns a copy if the endianness needed to be changed. """ order = arr.dtype.byteorder if order != '=': return arr.byteswap().view(arr.dtype.newbyteorder('=')) return arr
[docs]def unpack_bitflags(value, nbits): # type: (int, int) -> List[bool] """ Unpack a bitfield into its constituent parts. """ return [bool(value & (1 << i)) for i in range(nbits)]
[docs]def pack_bitflags(*values): # type: (*bool) -> int """ Pack separate booleans back into a bit field. """ result = 0 for i, val in enumerate(values): if val: result |= (1 << i) return result
[docs]def assert_is_list_of(value, cls, min=None, max=None): # type: (Any, Type, int, int) -> None """ If value is not a list of cls instances, raises TypeError. """ if not isinstance(value, list): raise TypeError("Must be list of {}".format(cls.__name__)) for item in value: if not isinstance(item, cls): raise TypeError("Must be list of {}".format(cls.__name__)) if ((min is not None and item < min) or (max is not None and item > max)): raise ValueError( "All values must be in range {} to {}".format(min, max) )
def _get_channel_id(color, color_mode): if color not in enums.ColorChannelMapping: raise ValueError("Unknown color '{}'".format(color)) exp_color_mode, channel_id = enums.ColorChannelMapping[color] if exp_color_mode is not None and exp_color_mode != color_mode: raise ValueError( "Color '{!s}' is not valid for color mode '{!s}', " "expected '{!s}'".format( color, color_mode, exp_color_mode) ) return channel_id
[docs]def get_channel(color, color_mode, channels): channel_id = _get_channel_id(color, color_mode) return channels[channel_id]
[docs]def set_channel(color, channel, color_mode, channels): channel_id = _get_channel_id(color, color_mode) channels[channel_id] = channel