Source code for pytoshop.image_data

# -*- coding: utf-8 -*-

The `ImageData` section.

from __future__ import unicode_literals, absolute_import

import struct

import numpy as np  # NOQA

from . import codecs
from . import enums
from . import util

from typing import BinaryIO, Optional, Tuple, TYPE_CHECKING  # NOQA
    from . import core  # NOQA

[docs]class ImageData(object): """ Stores (non-layer) image data. """ def __init__(self, channels=None, # type: Optional[np.ndarray] fd=None, # type: Optional[BinaryIO] offset=None, # type: Optional[int] size=None, # type: Optional[int] height=None, # type: Optional[int] width=None, # type: Optional[int] num_channels=None, # type: Optional[int] depth=None, # type: Optional[int] version=None, # type: Optional[int] compression=enums.Compression.raw # type: Optional[int] ): # type: (...) -> None case_a = channels is not None case_b = (fd is not None or offset is not None or size is not None or height is not None or width is not None or num_channels is not None or depth is not None or version is not None) if case_a and case_b: raise ValueError( "May not provide both channels and other parameters") if case_a: self._validate_channels(channels) self.compression = compression self._channels = channels self._image = None self._fd = fd self._offset = offset self._size = size self._height = height self._width = width self._num_channels = num_channels self._depth = depth self._version = version self._shape = (0, 0) @property def compression(self): # type: (...) -> int "Type of compression. See `enums.Compression`." return self._compression @compression.setter def compression(self, value): # type: (int) -> None if value not in list(enums.Compression): # type: ignore raise ValueError("invalid compression type") self._compression = value def _validate_channels(self, channels): # type: (Optional[np.ndarray]) -> None if channels is None: return if len(channels.shape) != 3: raise ValueError("image must be a 3-dimensional array") if channels.dtype.kind != 'u': raise ValueError("image must have unsigned integer data type") @property def channels(self): # type: (...) -> np.ndarray if self._fd is None: return self._channels if (self._offset is None or self._size is None or self._height is None or self._width is None or self._num_channels is None or self._depth is None or self._version is None): raise RuntimeError("Internal inconsistency") tell = self._fd.tell() try: data = image = codecs.decompress_image( data, self.compression, (self._height * self._num_channels, self._width), self._depth, self._version) return image.reshape( (self._num_channels, self._height, self._width)) finally: @property def shape(self): # type: (...) -> Tuple[int, int, int] if self._fd is None: if self._channels is None: raise RuntimeError("Internal inconsistency") return self._channels.shape if (self._num_channels is None or self._height is None or self._width is None): raise RuntimeError("Internal inconsistency") return (self._num_channels, self._height, self._width)
[docs] @classmethod @util.trace_read def read(cls, fd, header): # type: (BinaryIO, core.Header) -> ImageData compression = if compression == b'': raise IOError("Unexpected end of file") compression_val = struct.unpack(str('>H'), compression)[0] util.log("compression: {}", enums.Compression(compression_val)) offset = fd.tell(), 2) size = fd.tell() - offset return cls(fd=fd, offset=offset, size=size, height=header.height, width=header.width, num_channels=header.num_channels, depth=header.depth, version=header.version, compression=compression_val)
[docs] @util.trace_write def write(self, fd, header): # type: (BinaryIO, core.Header) -> None util.write_value(fd, 'H', self.compression) if self._fd is None: if self.channels is None: channels = 0 else: channels = self.channels codecs.compress_image( fd, channels, self.compression, header.shape, header.num_channels, header.depth, header.version) else: if (self._offset is None or self._size is None): raise RuntimeError("Internal inconsistency") tell = self._fd.tell() try: data = finally: fd.write(data)